In This Story
When Chip Helme, BS Accounting ‘85, was a student at the Costello College of Business at George Mason University, he participated for two and half years in the co-op program, which had him take classes for six months followed by six months of working in an office setting.

The office portion was done with the the Department of Defense Audit Service (DAS), and upon graduation, he accepted a full-time job with them. Though he gained invaluable experience, his studies were concentrated on public accounting and not the type of work he was doing for the government. So, six months after graduation and working at DAS, he returned to George Mason and sought out the assistance of career services. “I still remember the woman,” he says. “Her name was Vicki Robinson. She was great. We did mock interviews and this and that. Long story short, I went back to campus in November of ‘85, interviewed with different CPA firms, and got hired by Thompson Greenspon.” At the firm, he found a home where he enjoyed working and his professional growth was encouraged—climbing the ladder to become managing principal. Helme loves working at Thompson Greenspon to this day. He also never forgets the difference that his Costello education made in his life.
Another principal at Thompson Greenspon was also a college of business alumnus. The 1995 George Mason Alumni Service Awardee Doris Kidwell, BS ‘75, MS ‘92, was already on the Accounting Advisory Council at George Mason when Helme became a principal. “She said, Chip, this is something that I think you ought to get involved with,” he says. “So, I got involved.” He appreciates how the Costello College of Business supports and builds partnerships with the business community, making its members even more eager to support the institution. “I think it’s very important for people who have gone to the university or are in accounting to go back on campus and talk about the opportunities,” he says. This is something that Helme continues to do as he enjoys seeing both the traditions and changes that define his alma mater. “We are truly fortunate to have outstanding accounting alumni like Chip Helme serve on our Accounting Advisory Council, creating a valuable cycle of mentorship,” says Long Chen, area chair for accounting at the Costello College of Business. “His unique perspective as both a former student and current recruiter provides invaluable insights to both our students and faculty.”
In anticipation of retirement, Helme recently stepped down as managing principal. His time as a principal brought new challenges each day as he worked to resolve issues for clients and the firm. He typically structured his day by completing the most challenging tasks in the morning, including billable work for clients. The afternoons he would try to keep open for interactions with others. “Being a managing principal—and really being a principal in a public accounting firm—you never know when somebody’s going to call you and they may have a huge issue,” he says. These daily interactions are among his favorite aspects of working at the firm. They are also why he encourages students to sharpen their communication and English skills. “There are more problems created by incomplete or inaccurate communication than actual issues sometimes,” he says.
The college student version of Chip Helme would be astonished to see where he is today given the rough start he had academically. After his first two years, his academic advisor sat down with him and explained the reality of his situation. “He lit a fire under me, and I never looked back,” he says, “I owe my success to George Mason.” He recalls how he always had first-rate professors who challenged him.
Helme learned that to be the best manager of his own career he had to challenge himself by taking on things that he was not comfortable with. For instance, he used to dislike public speaking—something that he had to get comfortable with as he progressed in his career. He also learned the importance of understanding his strengths and weaknesses and playing to those strengths. “You’re not going to know everything but at least look it up and have an idea of what it is,” he says. That way, he explains, others can more quickly steer you in the right direction. He enjoys relating to current accounting students and helping shape the curriculum and programs that will help them succeed. The accounting area at the Costello College of Business greatly benefits from Chip Helme’s approach and expertise.