Professor, Management
Contact Information
Email: mcronin@gmu.edu
Phone: (703) 993-1783
Office Location: 9900 Main Street
Office Hours: By appointment
Matthew A. Cronin is a professor of management at George Mason University. He received his PhD in organizational behavior from Carnegie Mellon University.
Cronin's research seeks to understand how collaboration can help produce creative ideas, and what it takes to then bring these ideas to fruition. Innovation begins with a creative idea or notion, and so one stream of Cronin's research focuses on the generation of creative ideas, especially how people come to discover useful interactions. Once produced, creative ideas require instantiation in the task environment. Thus the second stream of Cronin's research explores the process by which innovative ideas are accepted and implemented by others.
Research Interests
- Increasing creativity through collaboration
- The mechanics of insight in problem solving
- How interpersonal factors (in particular, respect) influence collaboration
- Negotiation and integrative bargaining
- Dynamic decision making and learning
- PhD - Organizational Behavior, Carnegie Mellon University
- MA - Developmental Psychology, Columbia University
- BA - Psychology, Rutgers University
Research and Awards
- Koopman, J. M, Rosado-Solomon, E., Lee, W. E, & Cronin, M. A. (2023) Mental Health and Mental Illness in Organizations: A Review, Comparison, and Extension. Academy of Management Annals [LINK]
- Tinsley, C. H.; Kathawalla, R. R. & Cronin M. A. (2023) Integrating the Shadow within Us to Strengthen our Field. Academy of Management Review [LINK]
- Bransby, D., Mayo, A., Cronin, M., & Yuan, C. (2023). A Systematic Review of Respect Between Acute Care Nurses and Physicians. Health Care Management Review 48(3) 237-248
- Aguinis, H. & Cronin, M.A. (2022) It’s The Theory, Stupid. Organizational Psychology Review [LINK]
- Cronin, M. A., Stouten, J., Van Knippenberg, D. (2021). The Theory Crisis in Management Research: Solving the Right Problem. Academy of Management Review, 46(4) 667-683
- Cronin, M. A., Stouten, J., Van Knippenberg, D. (2021). Why Theory on “How Theory Fits Together” Benefits Management Scholarship. (Reply) Academy of Management Review, 47(2) 333-337
- Cronin, M. A., Erkens, D., Schloetzer, J., Tinsley, C. (2021) How Managing Failure Perceptions Affects Performance: Evidence from a Field Experiment. The Accounting Review, 96 (2), 205-230.
- Rockmann, K W., Langfred, C. & Cronin, M. A. (2020) Negotiation: Moving From Conflict to Agreement Sage.
- Cronin, M. A. & George, E. (2020). The Why and How of the Integrative Review. Organizational Research Methods [LINK]
- Harvey, S. & Cronin M.A. (2020) Make it Work: The Importance of Usefulness and Appropriateness for Creativity; Academy of Management Proceedings
- Alves-Oliveira, P., Arriaga, P., Cronin, M. A. & Paiva A. (2020) Creativity encounters between children and robots. Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
- Cronin, M. A. & Homan, A. C. (2020) From the (New) Editors. Organizational Psychology Review 10 (1), 3-5
- Harvey J-F, Leblanc P-M and Cronin M. A. (2019) Beyond Separate Emergence: A Systems View of Team Learning Climate. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Behfar, K. J., Cronin, M. A., & Mc Carthy, K. (2019) Realizing the Upside of Venting: The Role of the "Challenger Listener" Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(4), 609-630
- Finalist for the 2021 Best published paper at AOM Discoveries
- This was also turned into an AOM insight
- Cronin, M. A., Bezrukova, K. (2019) Conflict Management Through the Lens of System Dynamics. Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1–36. [LINK]
- Cronin M. A. & Weingart, L. R. (2019) Conflict Across Representational Gaps: Threats to and Opportunities for Improved Communication The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116 (16) 7642-7649 [LINK]
- Shuffler, M. L. & Cronin M. A. (2019) The challenges of working with “real” teams: Challenges, needs, and opportunities. Organizational Psychology Review 9 (4), 211-218
- Cronin, M. A. & Loewenstein, J. (2018). The Craft of Creativity Stanford University Press. Finalist for the 2019 George R. Terry Book Award.
- Cronin, M. A. (2015) Advancing the science of dynamics in groups and teams. Organizational Psychology Review 5: 267-269
- Tinsley, C. H., Dillon, R. L., & Cronin, M. A. (2012) How near miss events amplify or attenuate risky decision making. Management Science, 58, 1596-1613 (Lead article)
- Cronin, M. A. & Bendersky, C. (2012). The supply chain for producing quality organizational knowledge. Organizational Psychology Review, 2, 54-70.
- Cronin, M. A., Weingart, L. R., Todorova, G. (2011). Dynamics in Groups: Are we there yet?. In J. P. Walsh & A. P. Brief (Eds.) The Academy of Management Annals, Vol 5. (pp. 571-612) Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis
- Cronin, M. A. & Klimoski, R. (2011) Broadening the View of What Constitutes ‘‘Evidence.’’ Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 4, 57–61.
- Had his paper titled, “Why Don’t Educated Adults Understand Accumulation?” honored as #5 on the list of Top 10 Most Cited Papers Since 2009 in the SCOPUS report to Elsevier publishers.
- Was nominated for the George Mason University OSCAR Mentoring Excellence Award in 2014.
- Presented the paper titled “Validating Team Level Constructs” (with Richard Klimoski) at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX.
- Presented the paper titled “Guiding Change in the Field of Management Science” (with Richard Klimoski) at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas in 2011.
- Tinsley, C. H., Dillon, R. L., & Cronin, M. A. (forthcoming) How near miss events amplify or attenuate risky decision making. Forthcoming at Management Science
- Cronin, M. A. & Bendersky, C. (forthcoming). The supply chain for producing quality organizational knowledge. Forthcomin in Organizational Psychology Review Cronin, M. A., Weingart, L. R., Todorova, G. (2011). Dynamics in Groups: Are we there yet?. In J. P. Walsh & A. P. Brief (Eds.) The Academy of Management Annals, Vol 5. (pp. 571-612) Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis Cronin, M. A. & Klimoski, R. (2011) Broadening the View of What Constitutes ‘‘Evidence.’’ Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 4, 57–61. Cronin, M. A., Bezrukova, K., Weingart, L. R., & Tinsley, C. (2010) Subgroups within teams: The Role of Cognitive and Affective States. Journal of Organizational Behavior
- Weingart, L. R., Todorova, G., & Cronin, M. A. (2010) Task Conflict, Problem Solving, and Yielding: Effects on Cognition and Performance in Functionally Diverse Innovation Teams. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 3, 312-337. Recipient of the 2010 Best Published Paper Award for the NCMR Journal
- Dillon, R. L.; Tinsley, C.H., & Cronin M.A. (2011) Why Near-Miss Events Can Decrease an Individual’s Protective Response to Hurricanes. Risk Analysis. Recipient of the 2011 Best Published Paper Award for the Risk Analsysis Journal
- Weingart, L. R. & Cronin, M. A. (2010). Teams Research in the 21st Century: A Case for Theory Consolidation, In E. Salas, Goodwin, J., & Burke, C. S. (Eds). Team Effectiveness in Complex Organizations and Systems: Cross-disciplinary perspectives. (pp. 509-524). New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.
- Mueller, J. S., & Cronin, M. A. (2009). How Relational Processes Support Team Creativity. In E. A. Mannix, M. A. Neale, & J. A. Goncalo (Eds.), Research on Managing Groups and Teams: Creativity in Groups, Vol. 12 (pp. 291-310). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Weingart, L. R., Todorova, G., & Cronin, M. A. (2008) Represenational gaps, team integration and team creativity: The mediating roles of conflict and coordination, Academy of Management Proceedings
- Cronin, M. A., Gonzalez, C. & Sterman, J. D. (2008) Difficulties Understanding System Dynamics: A Challenge to Researchers, Educators, and Citizens. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 108, 116-130
- Cronin, M. A. & Weingart, L. R. (2007) The differential effects of trust and respect on team conflict. In L. Thompson and K. J. Behfar Conflict in Teams. (pp. 205-228) Evansont, IL: NU Press
- Cronin, M. A. & Weingart, L. R. (2007) Representational gaps, information processing, and conflict in functionally diverse teams. Academy of Management Review, 32, 761-773
- Cronin, M. A. & Gonzalez, C. (2007) Understanding the Building Blocks of Dynamic Systems System Dynamics Review, 23, 1-17 Wilson, J. M., Goodman, P. G. & Cronin, M. A. (2007) Group Learning. Academy of Management Review, 32, 1041-1059
- Cronin, M. A. (2006) A strategy for improving insight at work. Academy of Management Proceedings
- Weingart, L. R., Cronin, M. A., Houser, C. J. S., Cagan, J., & Vogel, C. M. (2005). Functional Diversity and Conflict in Cross-Functional Product Development Teams: Considering representational gaps and task characteristics.. In L. L. Neider, & C. Schreishman (Eds.), Research in Management, Vol. 4, (pp. 89-110), Greenwich, CT:IAP.
- Cronin, M. A. (2004) A computational model of insight Complexity, 9, 17-24. Wienstock, M. & Cronin, M. A. (2003) The everyday production of knowledge: Individual differences in epistemological understanding and juror reasoning skill. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 17, 161-181.
- Kraut, R. E., Sunder, S., Morris, J., Telang, R., Filer, D., & Cronin, M. (2002). Markets for attention: Will postage for email help? Proceedings, Computer Supported Cooperative Work. New York: Association of Computing Machinery.
Teaching Interests
- Negotiations
Media Clippings
- May 20, 2023 - The Academic Minute
Matthew Cronin, George Mason University – Why Current Approaches to Workplace Mental Health Aren’t Working - June 14, 2023 - The Conversation
Adjusting jobs to protect workers’ mental health is both easier and harder than you might think