Associate Dean for Executive Education
Additional Roles: Associate Professor, Marketing
Contact Information
Email: bjosephs@gmu.edu
Phone: (703) 993-4207
Office Location: Enterprise Hall 248
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and by appointment
Brett Josephson is the associate dean for Executive Education and an associate professor within the marketing area in the Costello College of Business at George Mason University. In this role, Brett oversees the school’s portfolio of custom executive education programs for the federal government, private corporations, and individuals. Under his leadership, Executive Education has made a stronger strategic emphasis on serving the local D.C. market with tailored programming specific to federal agencies, tying together Mason’s strengths in the issues surround government contracting and the federal ecosystem.
His research interests focus primarily on the interface of marketing and firm financial performance, with special attention paid to the interface between firms and the federal government. Specifically, he researches the contracting and exchange dynamic between firms and the federal government (i.e., government contracting) as well as how firms manage their regulatory environment (lobbying, PACs, political spending, etc.). Brett’s research has appeared marketing’s most premier journals, including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Service Research, among others.
Brett’s ground-breaking research on government contracting and lobbying in the federal government has allowed him to work on several important projects within the Department of Defense. As the Principal Researcher at Rotunda Solutions, Inc. Brett works as a senior advisor on the strategic use and implementation of data science and AI/ML solutions within the Department. He was part of a research team working with the Defense Innovation Board (DIB) to demonstrate proof of concept around the power and effectiveness of AI/ML solutions to improve software acquisition, development, and implementation practices (DIB SWAP report). Brett and the team at Rotunda Solutions built a working AI/ML prototype and provided recommendations for the further expansion of data science into the acquisition process. Brett has also consulted with Rotunda on other Department of Defense related projects and weapon systems.
Prior to entering Academia, Brett worked in the high-tech industry. He was the Director of Marketing and Business Development for LUNARR, INC. a software firm based in Portland, Oregon. He developed, managed, and launched a million dollar plus promotional campaign in the United States and Japan. In addition, he developed market-entry strategies for new products, managed CRM activities, and interfaced with media members, business leaders, and venture capitalists.
Brett was a four-year varsity letter winner in Track and Field at the University of Idaho where he ran the 400-meter dash and 400-meter intermediate hurdles. Brett, his wife, and their two children currently live in Northern Virginia.
Research Interests
- Political marketing
- Government contracting
- Business-to-government relationships
- Lobbying
- PhD - Marketing, Washington State University
- MS - Forest Products, University of Idaho
- BS - Forest Products, University of Idaho
Research and Awards
- Published an article titled, “Interfirm Relational Strategies and Innovation: the Role of Interfirm Relational Traits and Firm Resources” (coauthored with Sean Yim, Jean Johnson, and Sanjay Sisodiya) in Customer Needs and Solutions in 2015.
- Published an article titled, “Strategic Marketing Ambidexterity: Antecedents and Financial Consequences” (coauthored with Jean Johnson and Babu Mariadoss) in the Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science in 2016.
- Published an article titled, “Service Transition Strategies in Manufacturing: Implications for Firm Risk” (coauthored with Jean Johnson, Babu Mariadoss, and John Cullen) in the Journal of Services Research in 2016.
- “Political Management, R&D, and Advertising Capital in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Good Prognosis?” (with Kelly Martin, Gautham Vadakkepatt, and Jean Johnson) in the Journal of Marketing 2018.
- “Uncle Sam Rising: Performance Implications of Business-to-Government Relationships”, which was published in 2019 in the Journal of Marketing.
Media Clippings
- January 30, 2022 - AFERM Podcast
Episode 53: GMU CRO Program - December 15, 2021 - AACSB
Embracing the Complexity of DEI - November 30, 2018 - Washington Technology
Are Performance Drivers Shifting in the GovCon Market?