Assistant Director, National Business Investment, Fairfax County Economic Development Authority
Originally from the Washington, DC area, John has been at the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA) since 2017, where he serves as the Assistant Director for National Business Investment and handles the relationship with emerging tech companies in sectors ranging from artificial intelligence and blockchain to drones and autonomous vehicles. John serves as the President of the Volunteer Fairfax Board of Director and represents the FCEDA in its memberships at the international organizations, Chamber of Digital Commerce, a leading blockchain association and at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI). John has completed the Leadership Fairfax program.
As an MBA student, John collaborated with his classmates to revive the MBA Student Association. As President, John created a succession plan for the organization to continue after his graduation. As a new alumnus of GMU, he became President of the GMU School of Management Alumni Chapter in 2005, serving until 2007. In this two-year period, John recruited a new board, which created committees and conceived and delivered a vision of an annual signature event called the “Annual Business Celebration”, which continues to be a regular event now in its 17th year. The Board under John’s leadership was able to energize the alumni chapter and increase event attendance by 500%.