Professor Emeritus of Management
Contact Information
Email: rklimosk@gmu.edu
Phone: (703) 993-1828
Office Location: Enterprise Hall 219
Office Hours: By appointment
Richard Klimoski is a professor emeritus of management. He is a former professor of psychology and management and former area chair in the Costello College of Business at George Mason University, Fairfax Virginia. He is recognized as "one of the 30 most influential industrial and organizational psychologists alive today" by human resources trade group, Human Resources MBA.
He has been in a number of leadership positions while at Mason including serving as the director of the Applied Cognitive and Industrial/Organizational PhD programs, the associate dean of Arts and Sciences for Outreach and the dean of the School of Business.
Prior to his appointment at George Mason University, Klimoski was on the faculty of the Ohio State University where he was vice-chair for the Department of Psychology. He also has been a visiting professor at several other major universities during his career.
Klimoski’s research and teaching interests revolve around the nature of effective organizational leadership and the dynamics of successful work teams. His scholarly work has appeared in the major journals of his field. He is the author or editor of several books including Research, Measurement and Evaluation in Human Resources, The Nature of Organizational Leadership, Emotions in the Workplace, the Handbook of Psychology, Vol. 12 (Industrial and Organizational Psychology) and, most recently, Advancing Human Resource Management Projects.
Klimoski has been active in providing service to his profession. He has been president of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), chair of the Human Resource Management Division of the Academy of Management (AOM) and served on the Board of Governors of the AOM. He has been editor of the Academy of Management Review, associate editor of the Academy of Management Learning and Educational Journal and is currently the editor of the Organizational Frontiers Book Series for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Society. He also serves on the editorial boards of several major journals.
Klimoski is a fellow of the Academy of Management, the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. He is a member of the boards of several not for profit groups including the SIOP Foundation, SHRM Foundation, Workhouse Arts Foundation and the Easter Seals of the Greater Washington Region. He regularly consults with organizations to assist them in finding ways to promote the more effective management of their people.
Klimoski received his undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) and his MA and PhD degrees from Purdue University. He currently resides in Alexandria, Virginia.
Research Interests
- Effective management of teams
- Strengthening the human side of work organizations
- PhD - Psychology, Purdue University
- PhD - Management , Purdue University
Research and Awards
- Presented the papers titled, “Ensuring Enterprise Security: The Case of Cyber Security” and “New Strategies for Driving Visibility and Impact” at the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychologists Annual Conference in Anaheim, California in 2016.
- Received a Research Award from Group and Organizational Management in 2016.
- Published an article titled, “Benefiting from CEOs' Empowerment of TMTs: Does CEO-TMT Dissimilarity Matter?” (coauthored with Yan Ling and Liqun Wei) in Leadership Quarterly in 2015.
- Published an article titled, “Critical Success Factors for Cyber Security Leaders” in People + Strategy in 2016.
- Presented the paper titled, “Benefiting from CEOs' Empowerment of TMTs: Does CEO–TMT Dissimilarity Matter?” at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (with coauthors Yan Ling and Liqun Wei).
- Received a Research Award from the Journal of Management in January 2015.
- Received a Research Award from Human Resources MBA in 2015.
- Published a chapter in Advancing Human Resource Project Management in 2014 by the publisher Wiley (with coauthors Beverly Dugan, Carla Messikomer, and Froancois Chiocchio).
- Published the chapter titled “Validity” in Wiley Encyclopedia of Management (3ed), in 2014 and 2013 by the publisher Wiley.
- Published the chapter titled “To Act as a Leader” in Psychology of Work (with coauthor Benjamin Amos) in 2013 by the publisher American Psychological Association.
- Published an article titled, “Courage-Making Teamwork Work Well,” (coauthored with Ben Amos) in Group and Organization Management in 2014.
- Published the chapter titled “Leadership: Context Matters” in the Oxford Handbook of Leadership in 2013 by the publisher Oxford University Press.
- Presented the paper titled, “Mind the Gap: What HR Delivers vs. What Customers Want; The Academic Perspective.”at the Annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Houston, Texas in 2013.
- Presented the paper titled, “Profiting from Empowerment at the Top: The Role Of CEO-TMT Members Dissimilarity” at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts in 2013 (with Yan Ling).
- Presented the paper titled, “Using Large-Scale Archival Data Sets for Human Resource Management Research” (with coauthor) at that same conference.
- Presented the paper titled, “B-schools and Partnership in Communities” at the AACSB in Washington, D.C. in 2013 (with coauthors Hun Lee and Andre Sobzcak).
- Presented the paper titled, “Attention Based View of Stakeholder Theory” at the Strategic Management Society 23rd Annual International Conference in Prague, Czech Republic in 2013 (with coauthor Jon Realin).
- Presented the paper titled, “Employees' Management of Emotional Expression within Work Organizations.” at the Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Houston, United States of America in 2013.
- Published the chapter titled “Assessment in Industrial and Organizational Psychology” in Handbook of Psychology in 2013 by the publisher Wiley (with coauthors Torrey Wilkinson).
- Presented the paper titled “Profiting from Empowerment at the Top: The Role Of CEO-TMT Members Dissimilarity” at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Boston, MA in 2012 (with coauthors Yan Ling and Liqun Wei).
- Presented the paper titled “Validating Team Level Constructs” (with Matt Cronin) and “Leadership: Context Matters in More Ways Than You Know” at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX in 2011.
- Presented the papers titled “Understanding and Leveraging Context in Leadership Development” and “Toward an Understanding of Applicant Withdrawal from Recruitment” (with coauthors) at the SIOP Annual Conference in San Diego, CA in 2012.
- Presented (with Yan Ling) the paper titled “Empowering Leadership and Organizational Performance: The Moderating Role of Dissimilarity between the CEO and Other TMT Members” at the Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research in Hong Kong, China- Hong Kong in 2012.
- Presented the paper (with Matthew Cronin) titled “Guiding Change in the Field of Management Science” at the Academy of Management in San Antonio, Texas in 2011.
- Presented the paper titled “Transforming Students into Leaders” at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky.
- Presented the paper titled “Enhancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Through Publication” at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada.
- Presented the paper titled “Evidence Based Practice - Evidence on the Nature of Organizational Leadership” at the American Psychological Association in San Diego, California.
- Presented the paper titled “Manager: Know Thyself” at the Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Chicago, Illinois.
- Published the chapter titled “Team Performance Assessment” in the Encyclopedia of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations in 2010 by the publisher Sage.
- Published an article (with Matthew Cronin) titled, “Broadening the View of What Constitutes 'Evidence'” in theIndustrial and Organizational Psychology in 2010-2011.
- Presented the paper titled “Writing, Publishing and Living Happily Everafter” at the Association for Psychological Science in Boston, Massachusetts.
Teaching Interests
- Organizational behavior
- Leadership