Tojo Thatchenkery

Photo of Tojo Thatchenkery
Titles and Organizations

Professor; Director, Organization Development and Knowledge Management Program

Contact Information
Phone: 703-993-3808
Fax: 703-993-8215
Mason Square, Van Metre Hall, Room 613
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Arlington, VA 22201
MSN: 3B1


Tojo Thatchenkery is a professor and director of the Organization Development and Knowledge Management program in the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.

He is an internationally known speaker, consultant, and educator and is featured as one of the leading change thinkers in the Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change ThinkersHe is also a member of the NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science and the Taos Institute.

Thatchenkery’s research has been funded by agencies such as the United States National Science Foundation, National Security Agency, and the U.S. Postal Service. He is the author of more than a dozen books and hundreds of articles. One of them, Appreciative Intelligence: Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn was a Harvard Business Review recommended book. In another book, Making the Invisible Visible, Thatchenkery introduced the concept of quiet leadership as a key driver for innovation in organizations. He has also written books on appreciative inquiry, knowledge management, sustainable development, social capital, organizational development, postmodernism, and information technology and economic development.

Thatchenkery is on the editorial board of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences and the Journal of Organizational Change Management and is the past program chair of the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management. He has more than 25 years of experience in teaching at various public policy, MBA, organization development, and executive development programs in the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. He founded the Organizational Learning Laboratory at the George W. Johnson Learning Center and served as its director from 1995 to 2000. During this time, the facility was featured as one of the leading laboratories for organizational learning and knowledge management by the Academy of Management and the Project Management Journal, and served clients such as Fannie Mae.

Thatchenkery has extensive consulting experience in diversity and inclusion, knowledge management, change management, leadership development, and organization design and strategy. Past and current clients include the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USDA, EPA, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of Treasury, USPS OIG,  IBM, Fannie Mae, Booz Allen, PNC Bank, Alcatel Lucent, General Mills, 3M, British Petroleum, Magnetrol, Nokian Tyres, Akbank (Turkey), and the Tata Consulting Services (India). He has published in journals such as the Harvard Business Review.

He has a PhD from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University.

Curriculum Vitae

View Tojo Thatchenkery's CV

Tojo Thatchenkery (Ph.D. Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University) is an internationally known speaker, consultant, and educator and is featured as one of the leading change thinkers in the Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers. He is professor and director of the Organization Development and Knowledge Management program at the Schar School of Policy & Government, George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia. He is also a member of the NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science and the Taos Institute. Thatchenkery’s research has been funded by agencies such as the United States National Science Foundation, National Security Agency, and the U.S. Postal Service.He is the author of over a dozen books and hundreds of articles. One of them, Appreciative Intelligence: Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acornwas a Harvard Business Review recommended book. In another book, Making the Invisible Visible Thatchenkery introduced the concept of quiet leadership as a key driver for innovation in organizations. He has also written books on appreciative inquiry, knowledge management, sustainable development, social capital, organizational development, postmodernism, and information technology and economic development.

Thatchenkery is on the editorial board of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences and the Journal of Organizational Change Management and is the past Program Chair of the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management. He has over twenty-five years of experience in teaching at various Public Policy, MBA, Organization Development, and executive development programs in the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. He founded the Organizational Learning Laboratory at the George W. Johnson Learning Center and served as its director from 1995 to 2000.During this time the facility was featured as one of the leading laboratories for organizational learning and knowledge management by the Academy of Management and the Project Management Journal and served clients such as Fannie Mae.

Thatchenkery has extensive consulting experience in diversity & inclusion, knowledge management, change management, leadership development, and organization design and strategy. Past and current clients include the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USDA, EPA, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, US Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of Treasury, USPS OIG, IBM, Fannie Mae, Booz Allen, PNC Bank, Alcatel Lucent, General Mills, 3M, British Petroleum, Magnetrol, Nokian Tyres, Akbank (Turkey), and the Tata Consulting Services (India). He has published in journals such as the Harvard Business Review.

Curriculum Vitae Tojo Thatchenkery

Professor & Director
M.S. in Organization Development & Knowledge Management
Schar School of Policy & Government
George Mason University
Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A
 Phone: 703 993 3808
View the Appreciative Intelligence website


Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio. 1994
Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior

University of Delhi, Delhi, India. 1982
M.A. in Psychology

University of Delhi, Delhi, India. 1980
B.A. (Honors)in Psychology


Citation indices



Since 2015











124 Refereed (peer-reviewed) Publications

107 Refereed Conference Presentations & Proceedings


  1. Culture, Conflict, Decision-Making and Experience of Organizational Norms for an Individual. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2021, 21,2/3, 95-108. Special issue guest editorial, with A.K. Dey.
  2. The Development and Validation of the Appreciative Intelligence® Scale. Human Performance, 2020, 33:2-3, 191-213. With B. Whitaker L. Godwin. 
  3. Innovative Digital Business Models as Levers of organizational Sustainability. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (special issue), 2020, 24, 4/5, 233-308. With A.K. Dey. 
  4. Cultivating Creative Workplaces through Mindfulness. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2019, 32, 1, 15-31. With E.K. Byrne.
  5. Exploring the Determinants of Becoming a Mentor in Turkish Organizations. Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, 2019, 55 (1), 115-134.With M.I. Ozgen & J.W. Rowell
  6. Leveraging Talent Management for Stakeholder Engagement, Leadership Development, and Organizational Effectiveness. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2019, 19, 1. With A.K. Dey.
  7. Valuing Innovation for Enhancing Commercialization and Sustainability in Multiple Domains.International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2019, 23, 5. Pp. 447-450. With Ajoy K. Dey
  8. Appreciative Intelligence® in Lean Service Development: Case Sports Training Institution. In Eds. A.K. Dey and H. Lehtimäki (2019), Responsible Humane Strategies for Gender Equality, Empowerment and Leadership. Bloomsbury. ISBN: 978-93-88630-08-5, pp. 124-133. With H. Lehtimäki & R. Katja.
  9. How to Use Mindfulness to Increase Your Team’s Creativity. Harvard Business Review, July 12, 2018. With Ellen Byrne.
  10. Advances in Social Change, Leadership Organizational Decision Making. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With A.K. Dey, (Eds.), 2018.
  11. Leveraging Human Resources for Humanizing Management Practices and Fostering Entrepreneurship. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With A.K. Dey, (Eds.), 2018.
  12. Generative Approaches for Managing Human Capital for Sustainable Growth. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, Vol. 17, Nos.1-2. With A.K. Dey, 2017.
  13. Approaches to Enhancing Communication between Health Care Providers and Recipients. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, vol 17, 1-2, 57-72. With M.I. Ozgen, 2017.
  14. Positive Approaches to Enhance Customer-focused Knowledge Sharing Culture in a Financial Services Organization. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, Vol 17, 1-2, 21-36. With H. Tuomas & H. Lehtimäki, 2017.
  15. Philip Mirvis: Fusing Radical Humanism and Organizational Spirituality in a Boundaryless Career. In D.B. Szabla et al. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, Palgrave Macmillan, New York. With Param Srikantia, 2017.
  16. Transformative Approaches for Knowledge Sharing. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, Vol. 8, Nos. 1/2, With A.K. Dey, 2017.
  17. Leveraging Information and Communication Technology for Organizational Resilience. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, Vol. 16, No. 2. With G.D. Sardana, 2017.
  18. Knowledge Creation and Organizational Well-being: Leveraging Talent Management and Appreciative Intelligence®. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2017.
  19. Organization Development through Strategic Management. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2017.
  20. Application of Appreciative Inquiry at a Municipal Social Services Agency: A Case Study. In Knowledge Creation and Organizational Well-being: Leveraging Talent Management and Appreciative Intelligence®. New Delhi: Bloomsbury (pp. 3-14). With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2017.
  21. Appreciative Dialogue for Enhancing Employee Communication in a Finnish Company. In Knowledge Creation and Organizational Well-being: Leveraging Talent Management and Appreciative Intelligence®. New Delhi: Bloomsbury (pp. 15-24). With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2017
  22. Fostering entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainability. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 20, Nos. 5/6. With G.D. Sardana, 2016.
  23. Managing Complex Organizational Change: Action-oriented Approaches for Sustaining Positive Interventions. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2016.
  24. Optimizing Business Growth: Strategies for Scaling up. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2016.
  25. Leveraging Human Factors for Strategic Change: An Organizational Culture Perspective. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.). 2015.
  26. Understanding Work Experiences from Multiple Perspectives: New Paradigms for Organizational Excellence. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2015.
  27. An Analysis of Effective Communication in Doctor-patient Relationship in a Large Hospital Setting. In G. D. Sardana., & T. Thatchenkery (Eds.). Managing Complex Organizational Change (pp. 299-312). New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With M. Ozgen, 2016.
  28. Appreciative Organization Development in Finnish Mature Industries: A Case Study of a Financial Services Organization. In G. D. Sardana., & T. Thatchenkery (Eds.). Managing Complex Organizational Changes (pp. 3-16). New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With T. Holma and H. Lehtimaki, 2016.
  29. Appreciative Intelligence®: Post-merger Communication in a Public Organization. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 15(2/3/4), 115-127. With P. Parkkalie and H. Lehtimaki, 2015.
  30. Leveraging Appreciative Intelligence® for Enhancing Organizational Change. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 15 (2/3/4), 1010- 114. With I. Parkkinen and H. Lehtimäki, 22015. 2015.
  31. Engaging with Positive Inquiry for Organizational Change. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 15, 2/3/4, 97-100. Special Issue. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2015.
  32. International Trends in Service Technology from Multiple Sectors. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 21 (1/2/3), 1-98. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2015.
  33. Appreciative Intelligence® in change management. In G.D. Sardana & T. Thatchenkery (Eds.). Leveraging Human Factors for Strategic Change: An Organizational Culture Perspective. (pp.3-13). New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With I. Parkkinnen & H. Lehtimäki, 2015.
  34. Appreciative Intelligence® as a Tool in Organizational Integration. In G.D. Sardana & T. Thatchenkery (Eds.). Leveraging Human Factors for Strategic Change: An Organizational Culture Perspective. (pp.14-25). New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With P. Parkkali & H. Lehtimäki, 2015.
  35. Leveraging Technology Marketing for Producing Social Good and Firm's Success. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 10 (2), 195-231.Special Issue. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2015.
  36. Appreciative Intelligence. Coghlan, David & Brydon-Miller, Mary (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Action Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.2015.
  37. Organization science as social construction: Postmodern potentials. In Emma Bell & Hugh Willmott (Eds.). Qualitative research in business and management: Challenges and prospects, vol 4. London: Sage. With K. Gergen, 2014.
  38. Innovation, creativity, and social entrepreneurship: Ingredients for business growth. International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management, 18(5/6), 365- 445. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2014
  39. Organizational transformation: Change management perspectives. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2014.
  40. Strategic initiatives for competitive advantage in the knowledge society (2014). New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2014.
  41. Using Appreciative Intelligence® for developing leadership culture. In Sardana, G.D., Thatchenkery, Tojo. (Eds.). Organizational transformation: Change management perspectives (pp.3-14). New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With H. Lehtimäki & J. Kujala, 2014.
  42. Appreciative Intelligence and generativity: A case study of Rocky Flats Nuclear weapons facility cleanup. Advances in Appreciative Inquiry, 4, 409-432.With I. Firbida, 2013.
  43. Appreciative Intelligence® in leadership culture transformation. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 13, 4, 244-258. With H. Lehtimäki & J. Kujala, 2014.
  44. Leveraging Appreciative Intelligence for innovation in Indian organizations. International Journal of Appreciative Inquiry, 15, 1, 29-33, 2013.
  45. The challenges of growth. Competitiveness Review, 23 (4/5), 309-425. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2013.
  46. Special issue: Innovation and knowledge sharing in technology marketing. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 8, 4, 357-410. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2013.
  47. Special Issue: Challenging our mental models for organizational excellence. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 13, 2/3, 91- 188. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2013.
  48. Special Issue: Appreciative Intelligence®-based approaches for organizational change and continuous improvement. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 13(4), 241- 329. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2013.
  49. Positive approaches for organization development: A case study. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 13, 2/3, 95-106. With B. Powell, 2013.
  50. A comparative study of perceptions toward entrepreneurship in India, Poland and the U.S.A. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 13, 2/3, 119-135. With B. Glinka, 2013.
  51. Special Issue: Organizational transformation. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 14, 4, 327-449. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2013.
  52. Initiating organizational transformation through the Appreciative Intelligence® International Journal of Business Performance Management, 14, 4, 332- 340. 2013.
  53. A change management case study using Appreciative Intelligence®International Journal of Business Performance Management, 14, 4, 435- 449. With M. Lemons, 2013.
  54. Business Management in India: Strategies for Success. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 6, 1, 1-4. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2013.
  55. Reframing human capital for organizational excellence. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2013.
  56. Capability building for organizational transformation: Management cases from multiple disciplines. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With G.D. Sardana,(Eds.), 2013.
  57. The social construction of entrepreneurship, success, and wealth: A Case Study of Management Students’ Perceptions from Three Different Cultural Contexts. In Sardana, G.D., Thatchenkery, T. (Eds.). Reframing human capital for organizational excellence (379-396). New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With B. Glinka, 2013.
  58. Appreciative Intelligence for change management: A case study of a community college. In Sardana, G.D., Thatchenkery, T. (Eds.).Reframing human capital for organizational excellence (3-20). New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With M. Lemons, 2013.
  59. Using Appreciative Intelligence and positive approaches for change management. In Sardana, G.D., Thatchenkery, T. (Eds.). Reframing human capital for organizational excellence (74-89). New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With B. Powell, 2013.
  60. Perceptions of the United States’ new healthcare reform law, the PPACA, as exemplified by the NFIB, a lobbyist organization for small businesses. In Sardana, G.D., Thatchenkery, T. (Eds.). Reframing human capital for organizational excellence (141-162). New Delhi: Bloomsbury. With D. Srinivasan & A. Washington, 2013.
  61. Special issue: Performance and globalization. International Journal of Business and Globalization, 9, 3, 221-260. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2012.
  62. Special issue: Innovative approaches for developing international commerce: Strategies for success. International Journal of Commerce & Management, 22,2, 98-158. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2012.
  63. Special issue: Strategic practices and cases in technology marketing. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 7, 3, 227-230. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2013.
  64. Positive initiatives for organizational change and transformation. New Delhi. Macmillan. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2012.
  65. Building competencies for sustainability and organizational excellence. New Delhi. Macmillan. With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2012.
  66. Appreciative Intelligence for transformative conversations. In Sardana, G.D., Thatchenkery, T. (Eds.). Positive initiatives for organizational change and transformation (pp. 63-77). New Delhi. Macmillan. 2012.
  67. Making the invisible visible: Understanding leadership contributions of Asian minorities in the workplace. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. With K. Sugiyama, 2011.
  68. Diversity and endogeny in regional development: Applying Appreciative Intelligence. In R.J. Stimson, R.R. Stough and P.J. Nijkamp.(Eds.). Endogenous regional development: Perspectives, measurement and empirical investigation (pp.83-110). Cheltenham, U.K. Edward Elgar. With J. Heineman-Pieper, 2011.
  69. Globalization and strategies for success. International Journal of Business and Globalization. 7, 4, 387-390. With G.D. Sardana, 2011.
  70. Understanding culture-specific leadership relationship in a multi-cultural virtual project team (MVPT): A case study. International Journal of Business and Globalization, 7, 4, 446-458. With Z. He, 2011.
  71. Success strategies for small businesses in the international context. International Journal of Globalization and Small Business, 4, 2, 111-220.With G.D. Sardana, (Eds.), 2011.
  72. Leadership and decision-making strategies using appreciative inquiry: A case study. International Journal of Globalization and Small Business,4, 2, 178-190. With L. Jordan, 2011.
  73. Positive design for creating organizational excellence: Bringing together multiple approaches. Society and Business Review, 6, 2, 114-192. With G.D. Sardana, 2011.
  74. Positive design and appreciative construction: From sustainable development to sustainable value. Bingley, U.K: Emerald. With D. Cooperrider, & M. Avital (Eds.), 2011.
  75. Leveraging global competiveness for organizational excellence. New Delhi. Macmillan. With H.P. Gupta (Eds.), 2010.
  76. Business cases for enhancing organizational excellence. Management Decision, 48, 3, 348-352. With G.D. Sardana, 2010.
  77. Leveraging technological innovation for competitive advantage. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 5, 1, 1-104. With G.D. Sardana, 2010.
  78. Leveraging Appreciative Intelligence for positive enactment in times of uncertainty: A case study of a small investment firm. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 2, 2, 147-152. With S. Case, 2010.
  79. Applying quantum learning to high school education. In Gupta, H.P., & Thatchenkery, T. (Eds.). Leveraging global competiveness for organizational excellence (pp. 210-222). New Delhi. Macmillan. With J. Lizabeth, 2010.
  80. Preference of negotiation styles of employees based on cultural differences: A case study. In Gupta, H.P., & Thatchenkery, Tojo. (Eds.). Leveraging global competiveness for organizational excellence (pp. 258-271). New Delhi. Macmillan. With Z. He, 2010.
  81. Enhancing organizational performance through strategic initiatives: Handbook of management cases. New Delhi: Macmillan. With G.D. Sardana, 2009.
  82. Leveraging Appreciative Intelligence for positive enactment: A case study of a small investment firm. In G.D. Sardana & T. Thatchenkery (Eds). Enhancing organizational performance through strategic initiatives: Handbook of management cases. (pp. 192-199). New Delhi: Macmillan. With Susan C., 2009.
  83. Appreciative Intelligence for innovation in the Indian industry. Paradigm. 13, 1, 1-5. 2009.
  84. Empathic knowledge management: Reverse simulation experiments in a learning laboratory. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 7, 3, 283-314. With R. Behara & C. Kenney (2008).
  85. Handbook on Management Cases. New Delhi: Allied Publishers. With B.S. Sahay & G.D. Sardana (Eds), 2008.
  86. The role of Appreciative Intelligence in creating high performing organizations: A case study of rocky flats nuclear waste cleanup. In Sahay, B.S., Thatchenkery, T., & Sardana, G.D. (Eds). (2008).Handbook on Management Cases (264-276). New Delhi: Allied Publishers. With I. Firbida, 2008.
  87. Postmodernity. In International Encyclopedia of Organizational Studies (Eds. Stewart Clegg & James Bailey). Thousand Oaks: Sage (pp.1283-1285). 2007.
  88. Appreciative inquiry and knowledge management: A social constructionist perspective. Cheltenham, U.K. Edward Elgar. With D. Chaudhry, 2007.
  89. Appreciative Intelligence: Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler. Korean, Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, and Rumanian translations. With C. Metzker, 2006.
  90. Organization development in Asia: Globalization, homogenization, and the end of culture-specific practices.” In B. Jones & M. Brazzel (Eds.). The NTL handbook of organization development and change: Principles, practices, and perspectives (pp. 387-403). San Francisco: Pfeiffer/Wiley, 2016.
  91. Organizational science and the promises of postmodernism. In D. M. Hosking & S. McNamee (Eds.). Social construction of organizations (pp. 34-41). Malmo, Sweden: Liber Copenhagen Business School Press. With K.J. Gergen, 2006.
  92. Information communication technology and economic development: Learning from the Indian experience. Cheltenham, U.K. Edward Elgar. With R. Stough, 2005.
  93. Appreciative sharing of knowledge: Leveraging knowledge management for strategic change. Chagrin Falls, Ohio: Taos Institute Publishing. 2005.
  94. “Information technology and development: The Indian experience.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change,71(8), 771-879.With D. Kash & R. Stough, 2004.
  95. Information technology services and economic development: The Indian experience. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 71(8), 771-776.With D. Kash & R. Stough, 2004.
  96. “Organization science as social construction: Postmodern potentials.” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 40, 2, 228-249. With K. Gergen, 2004.
  97. Paradox and organizational change: The transformative power of hermeneutic appreciation. Advances in Appreciative Inquiry. Volume 1, 77-102., 2004.
  98. Issues in Public Governance in India. Public governance dividends: The road ahead. New Delhi. All India Management Association. 1- 44. With R. Stough, K. Haynes, N. Sahay, S. Shakti, M. Salazar, P. O’Neil, & S. Desai, 2004.
  99. La indagacion apreciativa como intervencion. El poder de la reformulacion para la refundacion organizacional en un estudio de caso. Sistemas Familiares, ANO 19- N 1-2- 2003 pp 101-118., 2003.
  100. Representation of organizational change in Ron Howard’s Gung Ho: The role of speech acts and conversation. In Stephen Linstead. (Ed). Text/Work: Representing Organization and Organizing Representation (Studies in Management, Organizations and Society). Routledge; New York. With J. Foreman, 2003.
  101. Mining for meaning: Reading organizations using hermeneutic philosophy. In Westwood, R.I., & Linstead, S. A. (Editors) The Language of Organization. London: Sage, pp.112-131., 2002.
  102. Building capabilities for change through laboratory simulations. Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, 26, 144-146. With R. Behara & C. Kenney, 1999.
  103. Organization Science in a postmodern context. R. Chia (Ed.). In the Realm of Organization: Essays for Robert Cooper. London: Routledge, pp. 15-42. With K. Gergen, 1998.
  104. Organization science as social construction. Reprinted in Organizational Psychology, Volume III, Edited by Philip Stone and Mark Cannon. Ashgate, U.K. With K. Gergen, 1997.
  105. Why is there alack of workplace diversity research on Asian Americans? Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, 33, 3, 270- 276. With C. Cheng, 1997.
  106. Seeing beneath the surface to appreciate what “is:” A call for a balanced inquiry and consciousness raising regarding Asian Americans in Organizations. Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, 33, 3, 397-406. With C. Cheng, 1997.
  107. Developing dialogue for discerning differences. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 32, 4, 428-433. With K. Gergen, 1996.
  108. Subjectivism, discovery and boundaryless careers: An Austrian perspective. In Michael Arthur & Denise Rousseau (Editors). Boundaryless careers: A new employment principle for a new organizational era. (pp.171-186) New York: Oxford University Press. With J. Ellig, 1996.
  109. Affirmation as facilitation. A New Model for Change Management. OD Practitioner. 28, Nos 1-2, 12-22, 1996
  110. Filmic representations for organizational analysis: the characterization of a transplant organization in the film”Rising Sun. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 9, 3, 44-61. With J. Foreman, 1996.
  111. Organizational Learning, language games, and knowledge creation. Guest Editorial, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 9, 1, 4-11, 1996.
  112. Cruising Hollywood in search of meaning: To what extents do feature films represent organizational dynamics? In A.F. Alkhafaji and J. Biberman (Eds.). Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Vol III. pp. 607-611. With J. Foreman, 1996.
  113. Organizations as a play of multiple and dynamic discourses: An example from a global social change organization. In Boje, D., Gephart, R., and Thatchenkery, T. (Eds.). Postmodern Management and Organization Theory. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. With P. Upadhyaya, 1996.
  114. Reconstructing organizations for future survival. In Boje, D., Gephart, R., and Thatchenkery, T. (Eds.). Postmodern Management and Organization Theory. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. With R. Gephart & D. Boje, 1996.
  115. Postmodern Management and The Coming Crises of Organizational Analysis. In Boje, D., Gephart, R., and Thatchenkery, T. (Eds.).Postmodern Management and Organization Theory. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. With R. Gephart & D. Boje, 1996.
  116. Images of love and work in postmodern organizations: A historical analysis.” In A.F. Alkhafaji (Ed.). Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Vol II. pp. 705-709, 1995.
  117. The changing nature of discourse in organizations: An example from an international private voluntary organization.” In A.F. Alkhafaji (Ed.). Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Vol II. pp. 734-739, 1995.
  118. The challenge of local narratives for the totalizing processes of global integration. In A.F. Alkhafaji (Ed.). Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Vol 1. pp. 725-730. With W. Pasmore, 1994.
  119. Local-universal knowledge nexus in global organizing: An example from the eradication of smallpox. In A.F. Alkhafaji (Ed.). Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Vol 1. pp. 710-715. With R. V. Tenkasi & D. L. Cooperrider, 1994.
  120. An exploration of the relationship between interpretive schemes and strategy in a global social change organization. Organization Development Journal, 11, 2, 93-96, 1993.
  121. Organizations as "Texts: Hermeneutics as a model for understanding organizational change.” Research in Organization Development and Change, 6, 197-233, 1992.
  122. Building the global civic culture: Making our lives count. In P.F. Sorensen, et al (Eds.),International Organization Development (pp.250 - 274). Champaign, IL: Stipes. With D. Cooperrider, 1991.
  123. Managing creativity in Indian organizations: Some issues for exploration. Abigyan, 4, 55-72., 1984.
  124. Personality Patterns of Public and Private Sector Managers. University Psychology Research Journal, 2, (2), 89-93., 1981.


  1. Coaching across Organizational Levels in a Pandemic: Advancing Positive Change in the Public Sector. Symposium presentation at the 81th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, July 31- August 3, 2021, Philadelphia, PA (Virtual due to COVID-19). With E. Weis, J. Srikantia, B. Johnston, &R. Miller.
  2. Art & Practice of Consciousness-based Transformation. Presentation at the 81th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, July 31- August 3, 2021, Philadelphia, PA (Virtual due to COVID-19). With P. Srikantia, J. Srikantia, Tsao, R. Sondhe, E. Keithline Byrne, & A. Narayanan.
  3. Applications of Mindfulness in Post-pandemic Era. Presentation at the 81th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, July 31- August 3, 2021, Philadelphia, PA (Virtual due to COVID-19). With P. Srikantia, J. Srikantia, C. Tsao, R. Sondhe, E. Keithline Byrne, & A. Narayanan.
  4. Innovative Models in NGO Management and Corporate Culture. Paper presentation at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 10, 2020, Vancouver, Canada (Virtual due to COVID-19). With H. Kantanen, S. Rönkkö, & H. Lehtimäki
  5. Publishing Not Perishing Through Qualitative Research: A Conversation to Advance MSR and Practice. Panel Symposium presentation at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 10, 2020, Vancouver, Canada (Virtual due to COVID-19).
  6. Arts to Appreciative Inquiry: Broadening our Sight to Make an Impact to Circular Economy. PDW at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 10, 2020, Vancouver, Canada (Scheduled as virtual due to COVID-19), with H. Lehtimäki & S. Taylor.
  7. The Development and Validation of the Appreciative Intelligence® Scale. Proceedings & paper presentation at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 9-13,2019. Boston, Massachusetts. With B. Whitaker L. Godwin.
  8. Quiet Leadership: Building on Teamwork, Collaboration, and Relationships. Presentation at the Taos Institute Silver Jubilee Conference, Cancun, Mexico, November 8, 2018.
  9. Developing Your Appreciative Intelligence® for Innovation. Presentation at the Taos Institute Silver Jubilee Conference, Cancun, Mexico, November 9, 2018.
  10. Developing Your Appreciative Intelligence® and Quiet Leadership for Innovation in East Asian organizations. Presentation at the Vietnam Symposium on Leadership and Public Policy (VSLP), Hanoi, Vietnam, October 31, 2018.
  11. Appreciative Intelligence Development in a Sports Training Institution. Paper presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, November 31- December, 1, 2018. NOIDA, India. With T. Holma H. Lehtimaki, 2018.
  12. An Architecture of Mentoring: Integrating Global Wisdom and Diverse Perspectives for Wellbeing. Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 2018, Chicago. With Param Srikantia.
  13. Appreciative Intelligence® as a Determinant of Mentoring Intentions in the Workplace. In Dominguez, N. & Gandert, Y. (Eds.). 9th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Developmental Networks: The Power of Mentoring and Coaching. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico. With M.I. Ozgen, October 24-28, 2016.
  14. “Quiet Leadership: Discovering the New Strategic Advantage and the Hidden Talent to Enhance Innovation in your Organization.” Mason Entrepreneurship Research 11th Annual Conference, May 6, 2016.
  15. “Appreciative organization development in Finnish mature industries: A case study of a financial services organization.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, December 3-4. NOIDA, India. With T. Holma & H. Lehtimaki, 2015.
  16. “An analysis of effective communication in doctor-patient relationship in a large hospital setting.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, December 3-4. NOIDA, India. With M. Ozgen, 2015.
  17. “The power of words: How reframing to see the positive may have a lasting impact.” Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 2-5, 2014, Philadelphia. PA. With K. McGee, 2014.
  18. “An Appreciative inquiry approach to empathic process innovation.” Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 2-5, 2014, Philadelphia. PA. With R. Behara & C. Kenney, 2014.
  19. “Empathy in innovation: The human side of innovation.” Symposium (chair) presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia. PA. With H. Lehtimäki, 2014.
  20. “Strategy talk: How conceptual space creates strategy implementation outcomes.” Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference. September 20-23, Madrid, Spain. With H. Lehtimäki & I. Asikainen, 2014.
  21. “Appreciative Intelligence in change management.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, December 4-5. NOIDA, India. With H. Lehtimäki & I. Parkkinnen, 2014.
  22. “Appreciative Intelligence as a tool in organizational integration.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, December 4-5. NOIDA, India. With H. Lehtimäki & I. Parkkali, 2014.
  23. “Using Appreciative Intelligence for developing leadership culture.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, December 4-5. NOIDA, India. With H. Lehtimäki & J. Kujala, 2014.
  24. “Plenary Senior Scholar Discussant.”, The 2013 International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), Washington, DC, April 25-27, 2013.
  25. “The Social Construction of Entrepreneurs, Success, and Wealth: A Case Study of Management Students’ Perceptions from Three Different Cultural Contexts.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, November 29-30. NOIDA, India. With B. Glinka, 2012.
  26. “Appreciative Intelligence for Change Management: A Case Study of a Community College.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, November29-30. NOIDA, India. With M. Lemons,2012.
  27. “Using Appreciative Intelligence and Positive Approaches for Change Management.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, November 29-30. NOIDA, India. With B. Powell, 2012.
  28. “Perceptions of the United States’ New Healthcare Reform Law, the PPACA, as Exemplified by the NFIB, a Lobbyist Organization for Small Businesses.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, November 29-30. NOIDA, India. With D. Srinivasan 2012.
  29. “From Being Relevant to Becoming Integral to Practice: Organization Science and Workforce Analytics.” Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 3-7, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, 2012.
  30. “Appreciative Intelligence for Transformative Conversations.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Management Cases, December 1-2. N OIDA, India, 2011.
  31. “Reframing “evidence” to catalyze collaboration in organizations.” Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 12-16, San Antonia, Texas. With G. Gopalakrishnan, 2011.
  32. “Positive Design for Collaboration: A Case study of the Delhi and Bangalore Metro Mass Transit System.” Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 12-16, San Antonia, Texas, 2011.
  33. “Neither West nor East: Pursuing a Post-developmental Management Education for Developing Countries.” Professional Development Workshop at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 12-16, San Antonia, Texas, 2011.
  34. “Applying Quantum Learning to High School Education: Strategic Action Planning using Appreciative Inquiry.” Paper presentation at the International Conference on Business Cases, ICBC 2010,December 2-3, Ghaziabad (India). With L. Jordan, 2010.
  35. “Preference of Negotiation Styles of Employees Based on Cultural Differences: A Case Study.” Paper presentation at the International Conference on Business Cases, ICBC 2010, December 2-3, Ghaziabad (India). With Z. He, 2010.
  36. “Non-Economic Dimensions of Financial Meltdown: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Subterranean Dynamics.” Academy of Management Meeting, August 7-11, Montreal, Canada, 2010.
  37. “Dare to Care: Information Technology in Developing Countries.” Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 7-11, Montreal, Canada, 2010.
  38. “Restoring Health to U.S. HealthCare through Passion Inspiration: A Critical & Spiritual Synthesis.” Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 7-11, Montreal, Canada, 2010.
  39. “Catalyzing a Breakthrough in Imagination: Applying Appreciative Intelligence to Health Care Reform. ”Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 7-11, Montreal, Canada, 2010.
  40. “Organization Development in the Global Context: Emerging Trends and Practices.” Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 7-11, Montreal, Canada, 2010.
  41. “Re-imagining Organizational Development in the Global Context.” Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 7-11, Montreal, Canada, 2010.
  42. “Organizational Network Analysis: Emerging Approaches for Knowledge Creation that Impact Practice.” Symposium (discussant) at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 7-110, Montreal, Canada. 2010.
  43. “Leveraging Appreciative Intelligence for Positive Enactment: A Case Study of a Small Investment Firm.” Paper presentation at the International Conference on Management Cases, November 26-27, Ghaziabad, India. With S. Case, 2009.
  44. “The Promise and Reality of Management Education.” A World View. Symposium presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, August 7-11, Chicago, IL, 2009.
  45. “The Role of Appreciative Intelligence in Creating High Performing Organizations: A Case Study of Rocky Flats Nuclear Waste Cleanup.” Paper presentation for International Conference on Management Cases. December 1-2, Ghaziabad, India. With I. Firbida, 2008.
  46. “Missing in Mobility: An Analysis of Leadership Invisibility of Asian Americans in Organizations.” Paper presentation at the 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August 8-13, Anaheim, CA. With K. Sugiyama, 2008.
  47. “Game-Changing Questions: Seeking Futures outside a ‘Development’ Paradigm.” Symposium presentation at the 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August 8-13, Anaheim, CA. With J. Heineman-Pieper, 2008.
  48. “Organizational Improvement through Appreciative Intelligence.” Symposium presentation at the 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August 8-13, Anaheim, CA. With K. McGee, 2008.
  49. “Appreciative Intelligence, Opportunity Recognition, and Economic Development: Inventing – Innovating – Interpreting the BRIC nations.” Proceedings of the Management of Meaning in Organizations International Conference, June 26-28, Poznan, Poland, 2008.
  50. “Positive Design by Appreciative Intelligence: A Case Study of Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Facility Cleanup.” Paper presentation at the Technology, Design and Management: Creating New Models of Possibility for All conference, April 3-5, 2008, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico. With I. Firbida, 2008.
  51. “Endogeny within the Endogenous: The Role of Appreciative Intelligence in regional economic development.” International Workshop on Regional Endogenous Development, Brisbane, Australia, February 14-15. With J. Heineman-Pieper, 2008.
  52. “Appreciative Intelligence for business and social entrepreneurs.” 2007 International Conference on Appreciative Inquiry: The Power of Positive Change. Orlando, FL, September 16-19.With S. McNamee, 2007.
  53. “Using appreciative intelligence in critical research.” Critical Management Studies Interest Group & Organization Development & Change Division- sponsored PDW. Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August 4-8, Philadelphia. 2007.
  54. “Appreciative inquiry to appreciative intelligence: Reframing to enhance positive intelligence.” Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August 4-8, Philadelphia, 2007.
  55. “Trading hardhats for suits: Changing career preferences of Indian high school students and its impact on globally distributed work.” Second International Conference on Management of Globally Distributed Work, July 25-27.Bangalore, India. With S. Thatchenkery, 2007.
  56. “Appreciative intelligence: A case study of transforming organizational performance in the Prince William County Department of Fire and Rescue.” Transforming Local Government (TLG) Conference, June 6-8, Bellevue, Washington. With K. McGee, 2007.
  57. “Scientists and engineers in the emerging economies: Trends in India and implications for US policy.” Paper presentation at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Twenty-Eight Annual Research Conference, November 2-4, Madison, WI, 2006.
  58. “Design with Appreciative intelligence.” Key-note presentation at the international conference on Designing Information and Organizations with a Positive Lens, November 11-12, Cleveland, OH, 2005.
  59. “Information Communication Technology and Economic Development: Policy Lessons from the Indian experience.” Paper presentation at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Twenty-Seventh Annual Research Conference, November 3-5, Washington, DC. With R. Stough & K. Haynes, 2005.
  60. “Global Warming, Cloning, and Foreign Aid: Competition, Cooperation and Coordination in International Governance.” Discussant for the above Panel session at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Twenty- Seventh Annual Research Conference, November 3-5, Washington, D.C.,2015.
  61. “India Rising: Implications for U.S Science and Technology Policy.” Session organizer for the above panel at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Twenty-Seventh Annual Research Conference, November 3-5, Washington, D.C., 2005.
  62. “Appreciative Sharing of Knowledge and Appreciative Evaluation: Possibilities in Mutual Embeddedness.” Presentation at the Social Construction: A celebration of Collaborative Practices in Organizations, Communities, and Therapy International Conference, October 6-9. Taos, NM. With B. Mohr, 2005.
  63. “Globalization, homogeneity, and the crisis of change management.” Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August 6-10, Hawaii. With G. Gopakumar, 2005.
  64. “Organization development in the global context: A critique.” Paper presented for the Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August 6-10, Hawaii. With G. Gopakumar, 2005.
  65. “Positively M.A.D.: The Role of Appreciative Intelligence and High Quality Connections.” Symposium presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August 6-10, Hawaii, 2005.
  66. “When Indus Valley Meets Silicon Valley: The Hindu Social Capital and the Emergent Strategies of Indian Firms.” Presentation at the Managing Emerging Technologies in Asia (METiA) Conference, November 2-3, 2003, Singapore. 2003.
  67. “ICT and Economic Development: A Review of the Indian Experience.” Paper presented at the Managing Emerging Technologies in Asia (METiA) Conference, November 2-3, 2003, Singapore. With R. Stough & R. Ranganathan, 2003.
  68. Learning from the Indian Development Experience. Proceedings of the International Workshop supported by the National Science Foundation. March2- 5, 2003, Bangalore, India. School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, U.S.A. With R. Stough, A.. B. Akhilesh, and G. Shockely (Eds), 2003.
  69. ICT as a catalyst for economic development: An examination of evidences from the Indian development experience. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communication Technology and Economic Development, Bangalore, India, March 2003. With R. Stough & R. Ranganathan, 2003.
  70. “When Indus Valley Meets Silicon Valley: The Hindu Social Capital and Competitiveness of Indian Firms. ”Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communication Technology and Economic Development, Bangalore, India, March, 2003.
  71. “Strategies for addressing Asian Pacific American glass ceiling: An analysis of the voices of the ''invisible'' minority in corporate America and federal agencies.” Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. November 1-3. Washington, D.C., 2003.
  72. “Asian Americans under the model minority gaze: Implications for diversity research and practice.” Paper presentation at the International Academy of Business Disciplines Annual Conference, March 28-April 3. Las Vegas, 2000.
  73. “Appreciative inquiry as shifting conversations: A case study on the power of reframing.” Paper presentation at the Social Construction and the Relational Practices International Conference, September 16-19, Durham, New Hampshire., 1999.
  74. “Representation of Organizational Change in Ron Howard’s “Gung Ho”: The Role of Speech Acts and Conversation.” Paper presentation at the Social Construction and the Relational Practices International Conference, September 16-19, Durham, New Hampshire. With J. Foreman, 1999.
  75. “Knowledge Creation through Interpretation: The Role of Computer-Mediated Simulations in a Laboratory Environment.” Presentation at the Professional workshop, Working Collaboratively across Intranets and Internet: Comparing Technologies for Sense making and Interpretation of Knowledge. National Academy of Management Meetings, August 8-11, Chicago. With R. Behara & C. Kenney, 1999.
  76. “International Perspectives on the Knowledge-Action Nexus: Exploring Some Cultural Models of Doing Research that Bridges Theory and Practice.” Discussant. National Academy of Management Meetings, August 8-11, Chicago. 1999.
  77. “Cultural Complexity in the Workplace: Asian and Hispanic Dialogues on the Journey toward Pluralism.” Presentation at the National Academy of Management Meetings, August 8-11, Chicago. 1993.
  78. “Knowledge Creation through Interpretation: The Role of Computer-Mediated Simulations in a Laboratory Environment.” Presentation at the Showcase Symposium on Information Technology and Organizational Change in Turbulent Environments: Exploring Emergent Technology Designs for Sense making, National Academy of Management Meetings, August 8-11, Chicago. With R. Behara & C. Kenney, 1999.
  79. “Discussant. Do male and female managers think alike? An Indian experience.” Paper presentation at the Thirteenth Biennial Conference of the Association of Indian Economic Studies, Washington, D.C. June 5-6. 1999.
  80. “Affirmation as intervention: The hermeneutics of reframing in organizational change and transformation.” Paper presentation at the 1999 International Conference of Language in Organizational Change and Transformation. May 14-16. Max M. Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1999.
  81. “Building capabilities for change through laboratory simulations.” Paper presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, March 17-19, 1999, Philadelphia, PA. With R. Behara & C. Kenney, 1999. 
  82. “Knowledge creation through simulated environments: Sharing from the Organizational Learning Laboratory at George Mason University.” Paper presentation at the 3rd World Congress on the Management of Intellectual Capital and Innovation, January 20-22. Ontario, Canada, 1999.
  83. “Linking theory, practice, and imagination in knowledge management: Sharing from the Organizational Learning Laboratory at George Mason University.” Paper presentation at the Strategic Leadership Forum, The International Society for Strategic Management. November 14, Fairfax, VA. With R. Behara & C. Kenney, 1998.
  84. “The call to bridge knowledge and action: New institutions, paradigms, and methods- The Organizational Learning Laboratory and the Masters program at George Mason University.” Showcase symposium, Management Education & Development, Organization Development & Change, and Research Methods divisions of the National Academy of Management, August 11-15, Boston.1997.
  85. “Organizational diversity, Asian Americans, and the “model minority” myth. Testing some assumptions.” National Academy of Management Annual Meetings, August 11-14, Boston. 1997.
  86. “Collaborative technology adoption: Charting a new frontier for socio-technical work teams.” National Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 11-14, Boston. 1997.
  87. “Appreciative inquiry: An innovative approach to creating the high performance organization.” Paper proposal accepted for presentation at the 18th McMaster Business Conference: Creating the High Performance Organization through Innovation, People & Technology. January 22-24, 1997.
  88. “Learning from unusual events: The eradication of smallpox.” Paper presented at the Organization Development and Change division of the National Academy of Management. Cincinnati, Ohio. August 9-14. With Rtenkasi & D. Cooperrider, 1996.
  89. “Market, enactment, and learning from ambiguous events: A case study of a small investment firm.” Paper presented at the Entrepreneurship division of the National Academy of Management. Cincinnati, Ohio. August 9-14. With S. Case, 1996.
  90. “Cruising Hollywood in search of meaning: To what extents do feature films represent organizational dynamics?” Paper presentation at the 8th Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Business Disciplines. Rockville, MD. April 6-9. With J. Foreman, 1996.
  91. “Internal markets as dispersed knowledge: A Hayekian interpretation.” Paper outline accepted for the Stanford Center for Organizations (SCOR) conference, April 21-23. Asilomar, CA, 1996.
  92. “Creating and maintaining strategic partnership for total performance support.” An exploration of the working of a training technology consortium. Presented at LETT'96, Fourth Annual Leading Edge Training Technologies Conference. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. March 19 – 20, 1996.
  93. “Examining Organizational Governance Processes in Global Social Change Organizations: An Ethnographic analysis.” Paper outline accepted for presentation at the International Association for Business and Society (IABS), 7th Annual Conference. Santa Fe, New Mexico. March 21-24, 1996.
  94. “The Local-Global Paradox in a Global Social Change Organization: Toward the development of a Model of Organizations as Hermeneutic Processes.” Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology 1996 Annual Meetings, Baltimore, MD. March 27-31, 1996.
  95. “Inside the hermeneutic organization: The transforming nature of paradoxes in a global social change organization.” Paper presented at the Joint Divisional Conference on The Organization Dimensions of Global Change: No limits to Cooperation. Co-sponsored by Case Western Reserve University and Academy of Management. May 3-6: Cleveland, OH, 1995.
  96. “Images of love and work in postmodern organizations: A historical analysis.” Paper presentation at the International Academy of Business Disciplines Conference, Redondo Beach, California, April 6-9, 1995.
  97. “The changing nature of discourse in organizations: An example from an international private voluntary organization.” Paper presentation at the International Academy of Business Disciplines Conference, Redondo Beach, California, April 6-9, 1995.
  98. “Epistemological demands of social constructionist approach in industry and markets.” Paper presentation at the Social Construction of Industries and Markets: An International Conference, Chicago, April 15-17. With K. Gergen, 1994.
  99. “The challenge of local narratives for the totalizing processes of global integration.” Paper presentation at the International Academy of Business Disciplines Conference, Pittsburgh, April 7-10. With W. Pasmore, 1994.
  100. “Local-universal knowledge nexus in global organizing: An example from the eradication of smallpox.” Paper presentation at the International Academy of Business Disciplines Conference, Pittsburgh, April 7-10. With R. V. Tenkasi D. L. Cooperrider, 1994.
  101. Discussant for the symposium at the National Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas. Tenkasi, R. Locating meaning making in organizational learning: The narrative basis of cognition. In R. W. Woodman & W.A. Pasmore. (Eds.),Research in Organization Development and Change, 7, 197-233. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1994.
  102. “Postmodernist Readings of Managerial Abilities, Learning Organizations and Information Systems.” Co-chair, symposium presentation at the Managerial and Organizational Cognition interest group of the National Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. With E. Neilsen, 1992.
  103. “Postmodernism and the learning organization: Implications for the academy.” Symposium presentation at the National Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. With W. Pasmore, 1992.
  104. “Organizations as "texts": Hermeneutics as a model for understanding organizational change.” Symposium presentation at the Organization Development Division of the National Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1992.
  105. “The impact of schemas and inquiry frames on consultants' constructions of expectations about the client system.” Paper presented at the Organization Development Division of the National Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida. R. V. Tenkasi, D. Cooperrider, F. Barrett, F., & M. Manning, 1991.
  106. “Affirmation as inquiry: A case study of a select sample of transnational nonprofit organizations.” Annual Proceedings of the Mandel Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Cleveland, Ohio, 1989.
  107. “Wonder and affirmation in discovery and transformation: A case study of the Institute of Cultural Affairs.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Social Innovations in Global Management. Cleveland, Ohio. S. Srivastva, D. Cooperrider & X. Tian, 1989.


2007- Current:

Professor and Director of Organizational Development & Knowledge Management, Schar School of Policy & Government, George Mason University, Arlington, VA.

1997- 2007:

Associate Professor of Organizational Learning (tenured in 1997), College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Public Policy, George Mason University. Taught graduate courses in Change Management, Organizational Learning, Group Dynamics & Team Learning, Learning Communities, and Culture, Organization, & Technology for MBA, Executive MBA, Masters in Public Policy, International Commerce and Policy, and Masters in organizational Learning and Knowledge Management programs.

1993 1997:

Assistant Professor of Organizational Learning, Program on Social and Organizational Learning (PSOL), College of Arts and Sciences, George Mason University. Founded the Organizational Learning graduate program in 1996.

1987- 1993:

Doctoral student in Organizational Behavior and occasional instructor at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Occasionally taught the following MBA courses:

  • Organizational Theory and Analysis
  • Organizational Design and Strategy
  • Managerial Assessment and Development
  • Management of Self

1983- 1987:

Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi. India. Taught the following courses for the MBA students:

  • Human Resource Planning & Management
  • Organizational Theory and Analysis
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Personnel Management Industrial Relations
  • Organizational Development
  • Industrial Psychology


Research Associate, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi (FMS is one of the top business schools in India). Initiated research on creativity and public sector management in India.

International Teaching Experience

Visiting professor, University of Warsaw School of Business

Visiting Professor, University of Eastern Finland, MBA program

Visiting Professor, Shanghai University, MBA program

Visiting Professor, EBAPE/ FGV, the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Visiting Professor, Poznan University College of Business and Foreign Languages, Poznan, Poland.

Visiting Professor, Universidad AdolfoIbáñez, Chile.

Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Management, Adelaide University, Australia.

Visiting Professor, Seoul School of Integrated Science and Technologies, Seoul, South Korea.


Sample non-refereed Journal Articles

  1. Cultivate Your Mindful Leaders. The Leadership Compass, Volume 2, 2013.
  2. Leveraging appreciative inquiry. AMA Seminars New Letter, Jan – Oct, p 91. With C. Metzker, 2008.
  3. Seeking the mighty oak in the acorn. Executive matters, American Management Association Member Newsletter, P 2. With C. Metzker, 2008.
  4. Appreciative intelligence at work. Organizations & People, 13, 4, 33-40. With C. Metzker, 2006.
  5. Developing your appreciative intelligence. Transformations: Journal of the World Business Academy, 20, 14, 5-15. With C. Metzker, 2008.
  6. The secret to highly successful people. Ode, 4, 5, 64-67. With C. Metzker, 2006.
  7. How good executive education can make a difference to your career. Management Next, Issue 2, p.4-5, 2006.
  8. Indian Managers are short on social capital. Management Next, Issue 1, p. 9, 2003.

Sample Keynote and Plenary Presentations

  1. Developing Your Appreciative Intelligence ® for Well Being. CBODN, January 31, 2022.
  2. Quiet Leadership: Discovering the New Strategic Advantage and the Hidden Talent in Your Organization. Malayalee Engineers Association in North America (MEANA), Chicago, IL, November 17, 2021.
  3. Appreciative Approaches for Enabling Circular Economy: Circular Economy Symposium, Tampere, Finland, November 11, 2021.
  4. Developing Your Appreciative Intelligence® for Education. Presentation to Pepperdine university doctoral students in education. June 24, 2021.
  5. Developing Your Appreciative Intelligence® for Well-Being; IE University Center for Health, Well-Being and Happiness, Madrid, Spain, April 12, 2021.
  6. Quiet Leadership: Discovering the New Strategic Advantage and the Hidden Talent in Your Organization for Coalition for Diversity & Inclusion in Scholarly Communications, Society for Scholarly Publishing, March 3, 2021.
  7. Appreciative Intelligence® & Discovering Common Ground. Speech delivered to Ellucian Customer Success Engagement Team, June 9, 2020 (Virtual, due to COVID-19).
  8. Choose to be Curious Podcast with Tojo Thatchenkery, Arlington Radio 96.7 FM: Host: Lynn Borton. May 27, 2020.
  9. Quiet Leadership: Discovering the New Strategic Advantage and the Hidden Talent in Your Organization. Keynote at the International Society for Organization Development Change (ISODC) Annual Conference, May 13, 2020 (Virtual, due to COVID-19).
  10. Developing Your Appreciative Intelligence® for Innovation Creativity. Keynote at Beijing Polytechnic, China, November 14, 2019.
  11. Appreciative Intelligence®: Develop Leadership, Transform Difficult Conversations & Discover Common Ground, Dulles SHRM, September5, 2019.
  12. Developing Your Appreciative Intelligence® for Innovation & Leadership. Keynote at the International Society for Organization Development & Change (ISODC) Annual Conference, Denver, Co on May 15, 2019.
  13. Keynote at the Vietnam Symposium on Leadership and Public Policy (VSLP) organized by the Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts (AVSE Global) and the Vietnam Institute of Leadership and Public Policy of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (ViLEAP-HCMA) on 31st October2018 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Keynote topic: Developing Your Appreciative Intelligence for Innovation and Leadership.
  14. TAD talk at the Taos Institute Silver Jubilee Conference, Cancun, Mexico on November 9, 2018. Title: The Power of Reframing and Mindfulness: Strategies for Thriving in Stressful Work Environments.
  15. Keynote Address “Conversations That Can Create Trust,” Faculty-Staff Enrichment Day, George Mason University, March 7, 2018.
  16. December 3, 2016: Jaipur, India: Quiet Leadership: Valuing Different Ways of Leading and Creating Innovation. Keynote at the Indian Society for Applied Behavioral Science (ISABS) for their annual gathering, OD & Culture Building in Complex Environment. Audience: Senior HR and OD executives from multinational companies operating in India.
  17. April 19, 2016: Quiet Leadership: Discovering the New Strategic Advantage and the Hidden Talent in Your Organization, Annual conference of the Training Officers Consortium (TOC) in Ocean City, MD. The TOC, founded in 1938, is the primary association of training and development professionals in federal agencies as well as those providing such services to the agencies.
  18. August 13, 2015: Appreciative Intelligence® Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn. HUD Learning, Enrichment, and Resource Network, Washington, DC.
  19. June 16, 2015: Discovering Common Ground in Challenging Situations. USPS OIG Regional Conference in Arlington, VA.
  20. June 11, 2015: Strategies for Thriving in a Changing Environment. Operations Policy and Country Services, The World Bank Headquarters, Washington DC
  21. December 15, 2014: Appreciative Sharing of Knowledge (ASK): Leveraging Knowledge Management for Strategic Change. Leading People Series, U.S. Treasury Executive Institute, Washington, DC.
  22. November 5, 2014: Developing Your Appreciative Intelligence® for Innovation. University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio
  23. October 1, 2014: Leveraging Social Capital and Quiet Leadership. Leading People Series, U.S. Treasury Executive Institute, Washington, DC
  24. August 25, 2014: Developing Multiple Styles of Leadership for Creating Innovation. 7th Annual Ascend National Convention, Washington, DC.
  25. April 11, 2014: Minding Your Mindful Leadership: Leading to Well-Being Conference. Fairfax, VA.
  26. December 5, 2013: Co-chair remarks, the International Conference on Management Cases, Greater NOIDA, India.
  27. November 19, 2013: Strategies for Thriving in a Changing Environment: The Power of Appreciative Intelligence. Talk given to the employees of the Social Security Administration, Fairfax, Va.
  28. November 18, 2013: Leveraging Knowledge Management for Strategic Change. Talk given for over 40 senior executive officers (SES)of various departments of the federal government at the Treasury Executive Institute, Washington DC.
  29. July 10, 2013: Appreciative Intelligence for Professional Growth. Career Mini Conference, Metro DC, American Society for Training Development (ASTD), Arlington, VA.
  30. June 3, 2013: “Invisible Leadership: Valuing Different Ways of Leading and Creating Innovation.” Keynote at the Annual Collegiate Information and Visitor Services Association national conference, Alexandria, Virginia.
  31. November 29, 2012: Co-chair remarks, the International Conference on Management Cases, Greater NOIDA, India.
  32. June 24, 2012: “Invisible Leadership: Valuing Different Ways of Leading and Creating Innovation. Keynote at the USPS Career Conference, Bolger Center, Potomac, MD.
  33. May 10, 2012. “Creating Empathic Learning Cultures for Innovation and Agility.” Keynote at the Learning Practitioners' Forum, the IFC and the World Bank, May 10.
  34. December 1, 2011: Co-chair remarks, the International Conference on Management Cases, Greater NOIDA, India.
  35. April 8, 2011: “Invisible Leadership: Reframing Mental Models for Valuing Different Ways of Leading and Creating Transformation.” Leading to Well-Being International Conference. Fairfax, VA.
  36. December 2, 2010: Plenary keynote, “Invisible Leadership: Expanding Our Horizon of Valuing Different Ways of Leading and Creating Innovation.” International Conference on Business Cases, ICBC 2010. Ghaziabad (India).
  37. November 19, 2010. “Leading Change through the Power of Appreciative Intelligence.” University of Tampere, Finland.
  38. Sept 16, 2010: "Invisible Leadership – Changing Times." Management and Organizational Effectiveness Forum of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  39. July 9, 2010. “Reframing for Sustainability: Approaches to Discovering and Practicing Sustainable Value.” Institute of Advanced Studies, Colorado Springs, Colorado. U.S.A.
  40. May 25, 2010. “Invisible Leadership: Expanding Our Horizon of Valuing Different Ways of Leading and Creating Innovation.” Asian Network Group (PANG) Fifth Annual Meeting sponsored by Sodexo International.
  41. May 22, 2010: "Leadership and Appreciative Intelligence: Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn." Management of Innovation International Conference, Poznan, Poland.
  42. May 18, 2010: "Appreciative Intelligence for Innovation & Leadership." Center for Leadership Excellence, Lockheed Martin, Bethesda, MD.
  43. March, 19, 2010: "Leading Change and Innovation through the Power of Appreciative Intelligence." Leadership and Positive Psychology Conference, The Center for Consciousness and Transformation, Fairfax, Va.
  44. March 15, 2010: "Leading Change through the Power of Appreciative Intelligence." The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
  45. January 19, 2010: "Leading Change through the Power of Appreciative Intelligence." Senior Leadership Forum on "Leading Organizational Change to Maximize Results." Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  46. November 26, 2009: "The Role of Appreciative Intelligence in Creating High Performing Organizations." International Conference on Business Cases, ICBC 2009. Institute of Management Education, Ghaziabad, India.
  47. May 21, 2009. Organizational Culture and Appreciative Intelligence. Keynote at Seoul School of Integrated Science and Technologies, Global MBA gathering, Seoul, South Korea.
  48. May 1, 2009. Reframing Work: The Power of Appreciative Intelligence. Keynote for the Partners in Growth Series, the Federal Reserve Bank, Richmond, VA.
  49. October 31, 2008. Developing your Appreciative Intelligence for Innovation and Transformational Change. Keynote at the 30th International Organization Development Conference at Universidad de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico.
  50. September 15, 2008. Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Seminar for Sabanci University Executive Education Unit, Istanbul, Turkey.
  51. November 28, 2007. Appreciative Intelligence: An approach for leadership and organizational transformation. 2007-2008 Millennium Forum Series, Fairfax County Government Center, Fairfax, Virginia.
  52. June 6, 2007. Transforming through appreciative intelligence. Key-note speech scheduled for Transforming Local Government (TLG) Conference, Bellevue, Washington.
  53. December 8, 2006. Entrepreneurial cognition, opportunity recognition, and appreciative intelligence. Presentation at the 3rd Entrepreneurship Research Conference at Mason, Fairfax, VA.
  54. October 26, 2006. Entrepreneurial cognition and appreciative intelligence: Understanding entrepreneurial actions in the Indian context. Global Conference on Job and Wealth Creation through Entrepreneurship. Gurgaon, India.
  55. October 26, 2006. Appreciative intelligence and innovation. Management Sciences Association meeting, New Delhi, India.
  56. May 9. 2006. Leveraging social capital for professional growth. Key-note, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
  57. December 16, 2004. University-local government partnership: Lessons learned from George Mason University’s growth in National Capital Region. Seminar talk, Sona Institute of Advanced Studies. Bangalore. India.
  58. December 10, 2004. Civil society in the global economy. Presentation at the All India Management Association National Convention, New Delhi, India.
  59. November 12, 2004. Social capital & entrepreneurship: An analysis of the competitiveness of the Indian software services companies in the U.S. Presentation at the GMU Conference on Entrepreneurship research, Fairfax, Virginia.
  60. August 16, 2004. The Indian social capital and the competitiveness of Indian software services companies in the global marketplace. Key-note, Bangalore Management Association. Bangalore, India.
  61. August 2, 2004. Appreciative inquiry for change management. Presentation given at the Management Development Institute. Gurgaon, India.
  62. May 20, 2004. Affirmative inquiry and solution focused brief-therapy. Talk given at Center for Integrated Family Services, Quito, Ecuador.
  63. May 21, 2004. Competing in the global market place and winning: A strategy for Ecuador. Keynote presentation given to 500 invited business executives at the Quito Chamber of Commerce National Seminar. Quito, Ecuador.
  64. May 27. 2004. Developing social capital for professional and personal growth of Asian Americans. Talk given at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Washington, D.C.
  65. June 4, 2003. When Indus Valley meets Silicon Valley: The Hindu social capital and the competitiveness of Indian firms. Presentation at the India Club, the World Bank. Washington, DC.


July 2018: Published in Harvard Business Review. The article received wide publicity including “Top 5 Article on Mindfulness” by the Mindful Leader.

August 2017: Featured in the Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers. Title of the full chapter devoted to me: “Tojo Thatchenkery: Concept Champion, Engaged Educator, and Passionate Practitioner.”

May-June, 2016: Fulbright Specialist grant in Business Administration, Innovation Management, Strategic Management, & Organizational Development at University of Eastern Finland, and University of Tampere, both in Finland.

February 2006: Harvard Business Review’s 2006 Reading List for the book Appreciative intelligence: Seeing the mighty oak in the acorn.

June 2001: McGregor Award winner, jointly announced by the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science and Sage Publications for the best articles published in JABS each year from 1990-1999.

January 1997: Literati Club’s Outstanding Paper Award for the most outstanding paper published in the 1996 volume of Journal of Organizational Change Management.

December 1997: Entire editorial of Project Management Journal, the flagship journal of the Project Management Institute, devoted to the activities and impact of the Organizational Learning Laboratory at the Johnson Center.

September 1997: The special journal issue on Asian Americans and organizational diversity (co-editor, JABS, September, 1997) chosen by Sage Publication as "articles with impact."

July 1996: Citation of Excellence for the article Filmic representations for organizational analysis (co-author). Awarded by the Editorial Advisory Board of ANBAR Electronic Intelligence, an on-line service that reviews the top journals in the world each month, ascribing quality ratings to their content.

July 1995: Inducted as member, the NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science

1994-95: The College of Arts and Sciences’ Program for the Curriculum Award. George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, U.S.A.

1993-94: Minority Faculty Retention Program Award, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, U.S.A.

1990-91: Governance in Nonprofit Organizations Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship. Awarded by Indiana University Center on Philanthropy, Indiana, U.S.A.

1989-90: Mandel Research Fellowship for the Study of Nonprofit Organizations. Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, U.S.A.

December 1982: Awarded University Gold Medal and All India Post-Graduate Scholarship for obtaining the top position in University of Delhi, India for M.A. in Industrial & Organizational Psychology.

December 1977: Awarded President of India Gold Medal, Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship, College Crest, College Color and Certificate of Merit for obtaining the top position in University of Delhi, India, for B.A. (Honors) in Psychology.


Academy of Management

The NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science

Taos Institute


2011- Current: Member, Editorial board, Values-based Management

1994-2012: Book Review Editor, Journal of Organizational Change Management

1994- Current: Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Organizational Change Management

1995- Current: Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science

2008- Current: Member, Editorial Board, Innovative Management

2016- current: Member, Board of Mentors, Bimtech Center for Management Case Development, Birla Institute of Management Technology, NOIDA, India.

2019- current: Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Consumer Studies

2019- current: Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Education of Economists and Managers, Institute of Human Capital, Warsaw School of Economics.

1996- 2000: Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Applied Management Studies

2000 2001: Professional Development Workshop Chair, Research Methods Division, Academy of Management

1993- Current: Occasional reviewer for

  • Academy of Management Review
  • Academy of Management Journal
  • Human Relations
  • Accounting, Management, and Information Technologies
  • Information Systems Research
  • Nonprofit Management & Leadership
  • Journal of Management Inquiry
  • Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences
  • Journal of Organizational Change Management


Expertise in diversity & inclusion, leadership development, organization design and strategy, entrepreneurship, global talent management, organization development, change management, organizational analysis, social capital development, and knowledge management.


The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Atlanta, Georgia: Knowledge Management & OD Workshop.

London and Edinburgh, UK; Denver, Colorado; Washington DC; Cleveland, Ohio; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, New York, New York; Toronto, Canada.

Transforming Difficult Conversations and Discovering Common Ground: Appreciative Intelligence®. Offered through the Institute for Management Studies. The organization invites academics and consultants who have written popular management books.
Audience: Executives from Fortune 500 companies recruited by IMS.

Tampere, Finland: Insurance & Financial Services: Leading Change through the Power of Appreciative Intelligence®. Audience: Senior executives of Insurance and Financial Services firms in Scandinavian Counties. Offered through Executive Education wing of the School of Management, University of Tampere, Finland.

Chicago, IL: Leveraging Your Cultural and Appreciative Intelligence® for Organizational Excellence at the Magnetrol Leadership Development Institute, Chicago, IL. Audience: Senior leadership of Magnetrol from Brazil, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Brussels, and Chicago.

Tampere, Finland: Chamber of Commerce: Inspiring Organizational Renewal and Change Management. Audience: Officers and members of the Chamber of Commerce, City of Tampere, Finland.

Tampere, Finland: Appreciative Inquiry in Organizations: Learning the Steps. Audience: HR professionals in the city of Tampere interested in using AI. Organized through executive education wing of the School of Management, University of Tampere.

Kuopio, Finland: Kuopio Innovation: Inspiring Growth: Appreciative Intelligence® and Entrepreneurship. Audience: Executives of the semi government organization, Kuopio Innovation.

3M HQ, Minneapolis: Diversity and inclusion project report for Asian and Pacific Americans. 

Akbank (Turkey):Knowledge management and learning organizations workshops.

American Red Cross, Greater Cleveland Chapter: Consultation for an organization- wide redesign using appreciative inquiry.

Ameritrust Bank, Cleveland, Ohio: Consultant for organization-wide strategic human resource planning.

British Petroleum: Customer service improvement program.

Booz Allen Hamilton: Creation of a diversity report & recommendations for the organization after extensive data collection. My client was the Board and Partners of Booz and I interviewed hundreds of associates, principals, and partners to analyze data and write a report with recommendations.

Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC and Research Triangle, NC: Diversity & inclusion consultation and career mobility workshops.

FannieMae, Washington, DC: Consultation and facilitation of loan processing redesign.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome: Leadership development and diversity workshops.

General Mills HQ, Minneapolis: Diversity & inclusion consultation and career mobility workshops.

Cuyahoga County, Ohio: Consultation and intervention for socio-technical systems redesign.

IBM HQ, Armonk, NY: Organizational mobility and diversity plans for senior Asian American managers worldwide. Report produced after interviews and focus groups.

International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC: Various organization design and OD consultations and training programs.

Alcatel-Lucent S.A.: Diversity inclusion report and workshops.

Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, Washington, DC: Various workshops on diversity & inclusion, knowledge management, leadership development, and mindfulness.

PNC Bank, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania: In lead and sole consultant role helped create a knowledge management system for the human resources department of the Bank.

Tata Management Training Center, Pune, India: Training programs on appreciative inquiry and change management for senior Tata Sons executives.

Tata Consulting Services, India: Appreciative Intelligence workshop.

Petrotrin, Trinidad: Consultation and delivery of a change management training program.

USDA, Washington DC and various U.S locations: Diversity & inclusion consultation and workshops for Asian American employees.

U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Washington, DC: Appreciative Intelligence seminar.

U.S. Department of Treasury, Washington, DC: Various seminars on quiet leadership, diversity & inclusion, knowledge management, mindfulness, and conflict management.

United States Agency for International Development, Washington, DC: Consultation during the creation of the CEO/PVO Organizational Excellence Institute.

USPS OIG, Rosslyn, Virginia : Various process redesign consultation and workshops.

Veterans Affairs Medical Centers, Northeast Ohio: Designing organizational assessment tool and conducting evaluation study of organization redesign.

World Bank, Washington, DC: Organizational restructuring intervention.

Areas of Research

  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Appreciative Intelligence
  • Appreciative Inquiry and Innovation
  • Change Management and Organizational Development
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Gender
  • Industrial Organization
  • Knowledge Management
  • Leadership
  • Nonprofit Management
  • Organizations
  • Public Administration
  • Public Management
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • South Asia