- November 1, 2023
George Mason University is No. 1 among public universities for research performance in entrepreneurship, and No. 2 overall nationally, in the latest report from EduRank.
- October 11, 2023
Can wearable tech resolve the crisis of underemployment among neurodiverse individuals? A multidisciplinary Mason research team is about to embark on a major study to find out.
- September 27, 2023
Online technology has made real-time performance feedback a workplace reality. But a pair of Mason professors have found out about a major bias in the system.
- September 12, 2023
When it comes to relationships between co-workers, organizations’ stated priorities must match what’s happening under the hood.
- August 23, 2023
Steve Maex, an assistant professor of accounting at George Mason University School of Business, recently received the American Accounting Association (AAA)’s Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award.
- August 9, 2023
A new "mega-study" consisting of dozens of simultaneous, independently designed experiments shows that competitions have no automatic impact on our morality.
- July 26, 2023
George Mason University School of Business boasts more than 60 full-time, research-active faculty across the accounting, finance, information systems and operations management, management, and marketing areas. In addition to pursuing research questions within their area of specialty, many School of Business scholars team up with peers from other disciplines to tackle complex societal problems.
- June 30, 2023
School of Business professors Pallab Sanyal and Shun Ye explore the complex connections between managerial feedback and creative outcomes in new study.
- May 10, 2023
A Mason professor is the sole academic working with the U.S. government in an unprecedented effort to measure environmental-economic activity.
- April 28, 2023
Whether it is pressing deadlines, overwork, or employees feeling they are not being supported, anger in a work environment can be unavoidable. Over time, the anger and frustration can compound, causing anger to spread through the entire team or organization, creating what George Mason University expert Mandy O’Neill calls a “culture of anger.”